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Volltextsuche nach »naturally«

Branchenbuchsuche nach »naturally«

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Keyword-Suche nach »naturally«, Treffer 1 bis 25 von 32, Top 25

1.) Foodwatch mahnt Rewe wegen irreführender Klima-Werbung ab – Handelsunternehmen vermarktet klimaschädliches Produkt als »klimaneutral«

[…] mahnt Rewe wegen irreführender Klima-Werbung ab – Handelsunternehmen vermarktet klimaschädliches Produkt als »klimaneutral« Berlin, 2. Dezember 2021Die Verbraucherorganisation foodwatch hat den Handelskonzern Rewe abgemahnt, weil dieser das Hähnchenfleisch seiner Rewe-Eigenmarke Wilhelm Brandenburg als »klimaneutral« bewirbt. Verbraucher könnten die Werbung so verstehen, dass sich die Produktion des Hähnchenfilets nicht schädlich auf das Klima auswirke. Tatsächlich werde das […] weiterlesen

2.) Irreführende Werbung mit »kompostierbaren« Kaffeekapseln: Foodwatch mahnt Darboven ab

[…] Werbung mit »kompostierbaren« Kaffeekapseln: Foodwatch mahnt Darboven ab Berlin, 8. Dezember 2021»Kompostierbar« und »biologisch abbaubar« sollen die »Mövenpick Green Cap« vom Kaffeekonzern J. J. Darboven sein. Tatsächlich sind die Kaffeekapseln alles andere als umweltfreundlich: Abfallunternehmen könnten sie weder kompostieren noch recyceln – sondern müssten sie verbrennen, kritisierte Foodwatch. Die Verbraucherorganisation hat den Hersteller deshalb jetzt wegen irreführender […] weiterlesen

3.) Nachhaltige Anbautechniken in Südafrika produzieren hochwertige natürliche Rosinen

[…] Anbautechniken in Südafrika produzieren hochwertige natürliche Rosinen »Rosinen Südafrika« ist stolz darauf, die natürlichen Anbaumethoden zu maximieren, um hochwertige Rosinen zu produzieren, die auch außergewöhnlich niedrige Rückstände aufweisen. Die südafrikanische Rosinenpflanze wird in der Region Orange River angebaut, wo rund 90 Przent aller südafrikanischen Rosinen angebaut werden. Dieses Gebiet profitiert von außergewöhnlicher Sonneneinstrahlung, durchschnittlich 10,5 […] weiterlesen

4.) Foodwatch: Negativpreis für Klimalüge: Rewe gewinnt »Goldenen Windbeutel« 2021

[…] Negativpreis für Klimalüge: Rewe gewinnt »Goldenen Windbeutel« 2021Verbraucher wählen angeblich »klimaneutrales« Hähnchenbrustfilet zur Werbelüge des JahresFoodwatch-Aktion am Rewe-Firmensitz in KölnÖko-Institut stützt Foodwatch-Kritik an falschen CO2-Zertifikaten von »Climate Partner« Berlin, 14. Dezember 2021Rewe erhält den Negativpreis »Goldener Windbeutel«: Bei einer Online-Abstimmung der Verbraucherorganisation Foodwatch wählten rund 28 Prozent der mehr als 63. 000 […] weiterlesen

5.) Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae ist Mikrobe des Jahres 2022

[…] Saccharomyces cerevisiae ist Mikrobe des Jahres 2022 Wenn zu Jahresbeginn die Sektkorken knallen, ist die Mikrobe des Jahres 2022 beteiligt: Die Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae produziert neben Wein – der Grundlage von Sekt – und Bier auch Kuchen und Brot. Hefen sind winzige Einzeller und zählen zu den Mikroben, auch wenn sie – anders als Bakterien – einen Zellkern besitzen (Eukaryoten). Diese Verwandtschaft mit Menschen macht sie zu einem idealen Forschungsobjekt. Als kleine […] weiterlesen

6.) Author D. L. Crager’s New Audiobook “Journey of the Hidden” is a Powerful Coming-of-Age Journey Through the Perilous Amazon, Where Danger Lurks at Every Corner

[…] D. L. Crager’s New Audiobook “Journey of the Hidden” is a Powerful Coming-of-Age Journey Through the Perilous Amazon, Where Danger Lurks at Every CornerRecent audiobook release “Journey of the Hidden” from Audiobook Network author D. L. Crager is a fast-paced adventure as two adolescents battle their way through the dangers of the Amazonian Forest to discover who they truly are. New York, January 3, 2022D. L. Crager, who lives an adventurous life with his wife, Shelly, their kids, and […] weiterlesen

7.) Bielefeld: Julie Sassoon und Willi Kellers, Bunker Ulmenwall

[…] Julie Sassoon und Willi Kellers, Bunker Ulmenwall Das Duo ist eine transzendente Einheit fast meditativer Improvisationen. Lyrische Melodien und perkussive Ausbrüche, die sich mit Schlagzeugrhythmen aus Bartoks oder Strawinskys Welt überlagern, Jazz, Afrika, Wildheit wechseln mit sehr leisen, fast unhörbaren atmosphärischen Sequenzen ab. Julie Sassoon kommt aus der Klassik, hat eine Ausbildung als Konzertpianistin und ist über den Jazz zur improvisierten Musik gekommen. Willi Kellers hat […] weiterlesen

8.) “The Batman” Debuts In The Visually Immersive 270 Degree Panoramic ScreenX Theater

[…] Batman” Debuts In The Visually Immersive 270 Degree Panoramic ScreenX TheatersAlso Experience the Film in CJ 4DPLEX’s Multi-Sensory 4DX TheatersThe First Batman Film Released In The ScreenX and 4DX Premium Experiences. Tickets on Sale Now. Hollywood, California, March 4, 2022CJ 4DPLEX, one of the world’s leading producer of premium film formats and cinema technologies, together with Warner Bros. Pictures, announced today that “The Batman“ is now playing in the immersive 270-degree […] weiterlesen

9.) Kino Gütersloh, The Batman, es ist nicht nur ein Zeichen, es ist eine Warnung, Trailer Video

[…] Gütersloh, The Batman, es ist nicht nur ein Zeichen, es ist eine Warnung, Trailer Video Warner Bros. Pictures präsentiert das Superhelden Epos »The Batman« von Regisseur Matt Reeves. Robert Pattinson ist in der titelgebenden Doppelrolle als Gotham Citys maskierter Rächer und seinem Alter Ego zu sehen, dem zurückgezogen lebenden Milliardär Bruce Wayne. Seit zwei Jahren schon durchstreift Bruce Wayne als Batman (Robert Pattinson) die dunklen Straßen von Gotham City und versetzt die […] weiterlesen

10.) The most popular bathroom summer 2022 trends, according to Pinterest

[…] most popular bathroom summer 2022 trends, according to Pinterest As summer approaches, there has been a 5,000%* worldwide increase inonline searches over the past month for ‘latest bathroom trends 2022’. With a clear demand for the latest bathroom trends, which are the most popular for summer 2022?Interested in this, the experts atShowerstoyou. co. uk generated a seed list of the most popular bathroom trends, and inputted each trend intoPinterest . The total number of pins for each trend […] weiterlesen

11.) Design trifft Nachhaltigkeit, Brilliant Promotion präsentiert hochwertige Designartikel der Spranz GmbH

[…] trifft Nachhaltigkeit, Brilliant Promotion präsentiert hochwertige Designartikel der Spranz GmbH Hamburg, 16. Mai 2022:Seit Mai dieses Jahres sind die designorientierten Produkte der Spranz GmbH im Onlineshop des Werbeartikelhändlers Brilliant Promotion zu finden. Spranz Exklusivmarken Metmaxx, Blackmaxx, Vinomaxx, Thanxx und Creativ Design stehen für außergewöhnliches Produktdesign, lang anhaltende Qualität und fühlbare Erlebnisse. Hinter der Spranz GmbH steckt ein Familienunternehmen […] weiterlesen

12.) Greening Camp, Climate Change Adaptation, Urgent Letter

[…] Camp, Climate Change Adaptation, Urgent Letter Urgent letter and article about climate change adaptation, civil protection, disaster preparedness, disaster risk reduction (DRR), environmental and mental health, freedom, fundamental and Human Rights! Please forward to all peace-building organizations and institutions to accelerate and be better prepared. Stay safe and healthy. Authorities, governments, local communities and people should be more concerned about saving rain, fresh or potable […] weiterlesen

13.) Clean South African raisins prove a hit in the German market

[…] South African raisins prove a hit in the German market The clean, low-residue qualities of South African raisins are the focus of the industry’s promotional push in Germany this season. Germany is the largest export market for South African raisins, with the country’s buyers and consumers valuing product with the lowest residue levels possible. That makes South Africa an attractive source, as the hot, dry climate of the Orange and Olifants River regions means disease and pest pressure is […] weiterlesen

14.) Mycorena fostering the next generation of food startups: New collaboration with promising Danish startup, Tempty Foods

[…] fostering the next generation of food startups: New collaboration with promising Danish startup, Tempty Foods Mycoprotein is becoming a highly demanded source of protein on the plant-based market. To bring the industry forward, Mycorena is proud to support startups’ development and scaling. By collaborating with the promising startup, Tempty Foods, Mycorena is bringing to life a new generation of mycoprotein food brands. Mycoprotein is the way forward Investments in the fermentation […] weiterlesen

15.) The Perfect Poker Face, Body Language Tips, Revealed by Expert

[…] Perfect Poker Face, Body Language Tips, Revealed by Expert Poker faces are a challenge for lots of people, but there are ways to improve yours, by being able to keep your cool, stay expressionless and avoid showing your position. With this skill making Poker World Champions millions of euros. A poker face can also be of utmost importance in everyday life too. Therefore collated top tips on how to be an expert at Poker, this was done via their knowledge and in collaboration with celebrity […] weiterlesen

16.) Become a Poker Pro with these Top Tips from a Body Language Expert

[…] a Poker Pro with these Top Tips from a Body Language Expert Poker faces are a challenge for lots of people, but there are ways to improve yours, by being able to keep your cool, stay expressionless and avoid showing your position. With this skill making Poker World Champions millions of euros. A poker face can also be of utmost importance in everyday life too. Therefore Touch Casino collated top tips on how to be an expert at Poker, this was done via their knowledge and in collaboration with […] weiterlesen

17.) Mycorena Unveils Breakthrough M. E. A. T. Technology To “Unlock Full Potential” of Alt Meat

[…] Unveils Breakthrough M. E. A. T. Technology To “Unlock Full Potential” of Alt Meat Swedish mycelium-based protein leader Mycorena announces the development of its breakthrough M. E. A. T. technology (Mycoprotein Extrusion and Alignment Technology) to unlock the full potential of alt meat production. “Existing technology was not developed for this next generation of meat analogues. ”Mycorena is one of the fastest growing companies in the alt-protein space, recently announcing plans to […] weiterlesen

18.) New drying techniques improve quality of South African raisins

[…] drying techniques improve quality of South African raisins South Africa, Orange River Region, September 2022Innovative drying techniques are among several new initiatives helping to boost the quality and sustainability of South African raisins.  Growers in South Africa have begun using a net-drying process, whereby raisin grapes are sun-dried on elevated nets. The approach allows for natural wind to circulate around the fruit, with any rainfall being irrigated through the net to prevent […] weiterlesen

19.) Table for 92 Cooking Through the Periodic Table of Elements

[…] for 92 Cooking Through the Periodic Table of ElementsNewest video series from Thor’s Outdoor Science Academy features recipes inspired by the elements Annandale, New Jersey, September 23rd, 2022When Thor Giese whips up a meal, the periodic table of elements is his inspiration. Yes, the same periodic table from high school chemistry. Thor, from Thor’s Outdoor Science Academy, is a trained archaeologist as well as an avid hunter, fisherman, forager, and gardener. Combining all his interests […] weiterlesen

20.) New clinical study realized with a Belgian supplement shows promising results against Covid 19

[…] clinical study realized with a Belgian supplement shows promising results against Covid 19A daily intake of a new dietary supplement (Nasafytol) containing an oral combination of Quercetin (65 milligrams), Curcumin (42 milligrams) and Vitamin D 3 (2. 2 micrograms) for 14 days by early-stage mild to moderately symptomatic Covid 19 outpatients, resulted in more rapid clearance of the SARS-CoV-2 viral infection, more rapid resolution of Covid 19 associated acute symptoms and more rapid improvement […] weiterlesen

21.) To celebrate 120 years of its Art Nouveau heritage, Maison Perrier Jouët presents its collaboration with artist Garance Vallée

[…] celebrate 120 years of its Art Nouveau heritage, Maison Perrier Jouët presents its collaboration with artist Garance Vallée at Unique Design x Paris and offers an exclusive experience at the Hôtel de Crillon Paris, October 18th, 2022This year, Maison Perrier-Jouët is celebrating the anniversary of a flower that has become not only a symbol, but also an inspiration. The Japanese anemone, created 120 years ago by Emile Gallé, one of the pioneers of Art Nouveau, perfectly embodies the […] weiterlesen

22.) Alert Vest, connected tinyML safety vest by Swanholm Technology

[…] Vest—connected tinyML safety vest by Swanholm Technology When former Scania intrapreneur Jonas Svanholm saw the statistics on how prone truck drivers were to accidents and injury at work, he and his team decided to take on the challenge of making such workplaces safer for all professionals, by making the safety vest the drivers are obliged to wear outside the vehicle into something smarter and more helpful in hazardous situations. Being a professional truck driver tops the most hazardous work […] weiterlesen

23.) Analysts recommend switching Solana (SOL) for Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) presale

[…] recommend switching Solana (SOL) for Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) presale It’s no secret that Solana has been on a steady decline. It’s fallen from its all-time high of $260 to as low as $12. Meanwhile, Orbeon Protocol is being purchased in droves. Orbeon Protocol is still in the second phase of its presale and analysts are predicting a 6000% rise in price over the next few months. So why are so many switching to Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) and leaving Solana (SOL)?>>BUY ORBEON TOKENS […] weiterlesen

24.) Nintendo eShop Highlights December 22nd, 2022, until January 1st, 2023

[…] eShop Highlights December 22nd, 2022, until January 1st, 2023Highlights include: Sports Story (release), Picross X: Picbits vs. Uzboross (release), The CaptainSports Story (Sidebar Games) Sports Story is a sports RPG like no other. Featuring a mix of sports and sporting activities wrapped up in one big story. With a multitude of characters to meet, you will make plenty of friends and enemies along the way. Sports Story isn’t just about sports, it’s an all-out sporting adventure. Play and […] weiterlesen

25.) The future looks bright for VeChain (VET), Solana (SOL), and Orbeon Protocol (ORBN)

[…] future looks bright for VeChain (VET), Solana (SOL), and Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) With the bear market gradually making way for the next crypto bull run, VeChain (VET), Solana (SOL), and Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) are set to reward investors with massive gains. Notably, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) is set to rise by over 6000% once it hits exchanges. »Buy Orbeon Tokens here« VeChain (VET)VeChain (VET) is a blockchain platform created for supply chain management and logistics. VeChain’s uniqueness makes […] weiterlesen

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