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Keyword-Suche nach »ranked«, Treffer 1 bis 25 von 94, Top 25

1.) Klavierbauer erschaffen einzigartiges Ambiente im neuen Lexus RX

[…] macht sich erneut die Kompetenzen und das handwerkliche Können erfahrener Klavierbauer von Yamaha zu Nutze, um dem Innenraum des neuen RX ein ganz besonderes Flair zu verleihen. Ein Lasercut –Verfahren, das bei exklusiven Musikinstrumenten zum Einsatz kommt, verleiht nun auch dem luxuriösem Echtholzfurnier des Lexus SUVs eine qualitativ hochwertige Note. Bei den Applikationen der Mittelkonsole und der Türverkleidungen werden in das auf einen Aluminium-Träger aufgebrachte Sapelli-Mahagoni […] weiterlesen

2.) Handel boykottiert weiterhin Mehrwegquote für Getränkeverpackungen: Deutsche Umwelthilfe fordert schnelle Einführung einer Abgabe auf Einweg

[…] Berlin (ots) Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) kritisiert den andauernden Boykott wiederverwendbarer Flaschen von großen Abfüllern und Händlern, wie ihn die aktuelle Mehrwegquote des Umweltbundesamts belegt. Demnach waren 2019 lediglich 41,8 Prozent der Getränkeverpackungen Mehrwegverpackungen. Um die gesetzliche Mehrwegquote von 70 Prozent zu erreichen, fordert die DUH von der kommenden Bundesregierung die schnelle Einführung einer Lenkungsabgabe von mindestens 20 Cent zusätzlich zum Pfand […] weiterlesen

3.) Schü­le­rin­nen und Schüler er­le­ben al­le Pha­sen ei­ner Raum­fahrt­mis­si­on

[…] Ab sofort können sich Schülerinnen und Schüler für den diesjährigen Deutschen »CanSat-Explorer«-Wettbewerb bewerben, den das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) unterstützt. Die Bewerbungsphase endet am 3. Oktober 2021. DLR im Über­blick Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) ist das Forschungszentrum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für Luft- und Raumfahrt. »CanSat Germany« lädt ab sofort wieder Schüler und Schülerinnen ein, beim »CanSat«-Wettbewerb […] weiterlesen

4.) Deutsche Umwelthilfe (»DUH«) ignoriert wissenschaftliche Fakten

[…] Berlin (ots) Zur Pressinformation der »DUH« »Verbot von Einweg-Plastikflaschen und Getränkedosen in allen Bundesbehörden« vom 17. September 2021 stellt der Geschäftsführer des »Fachverbandes Kartonverpackungen für flüssige Nahrungsmittel« (»FKN«), Michael Kleene, fest …»Die Forderung der Deutschen Umwelthilfe, das Verbot von Einweg-Plastikflaschen und Getränkedosen auf Getränkekartons auszuweiten, ist ein erneuter Beleg dafür, dass sich die ›DUH‹ hartnäckig weigert […] weiterlesen

5.) Gelber Sack, DSD und Grüner Punkt in Gütersloh

[…] Sack, DSD und Grüner Punkt in Gütersloh Das »Duale System Deutschland« (DSD) ist von der Wirtschaft (Industrie und Handel) entwickelt worden. Das Ziel ist, gebrauchte Verpackungen außerhalb der städtischen Müllabfuhr einzusammeln, zu sortieren und Verwertungsfirmen zum Recyceln zu überlassen. Dieses flächendeckend eingeführte System hat zur Folge, dass die Hersteller und Vertreiber von Produkten die Verkaufsverpackungen (Folien, Dosen, Getränketüten et cetera) nicht im Geschäft […] weiterlesen

6.) Mehr Rechte, mehr Zuschüsse, mehr Umweltschutz, was sich im neuen Jahr für Verbraucher ändert

[…] Rechte, mehr Zuschüsse, mehr Umweltschutz, was sich im neuen Jahr für Verbraucher ändertKürzere Kündigungsfristen für Verträge und ein Kündigungsbutton bei online abgeschlossenen Laufzeitverträgen stärken Verbraucherrechte. Das E-Rezept kommt, die Kartenzahlung an E-Ladesäulen und der Arbeitgeberzuschuss zur Betriebsrente wird Pflicht. Besserer Umweltschutz durch die Anhebung des CO2-Preises, ein erweitertes Einwegpfand und mehr Rückgabemöglichkeiten für Alt-Elektrogeräte […] weiterlesen

7.) Frankfurt unter den europäischen Städten am meisten von Weihnachtsbeleuchtung besessen

[…] unter den europäischen Städten am meisten von Weihnachtsbeleuchtung besessen In first place as the city that uses the most energy through their Christmas lights during Christmas is Milan. With a whopping 69. 25 percent increase in the brightness of the city at night-time, it is clear that December festivities are running high in Italy’s fashion capital. Despite recording the highest increase in energy usage overall, the Italian city comes second to Athens in average brightness during the […] weiterlesen

8.) Amazon, Google, or Apple? Data reveals the organisation we want to work for the most

[…] Google, or Apple? Data reveals the organisation we want to work for the most As we all have differing dreams and ambitions, the organisation we want to work for can vary. Some of us are motivated by working in sectors that offer the most financial gain, whereas others are interested in jobs that can make a real difference in the world. But is there a particular organisation that we are most interested in working for?Interested in this, the team at Reboot Online utilised the online analytics […] weiterlesen

9.) Das Kochen von Gulasch führt laut Emissionsstudie zu einem der größten CO2-Fußabdrücke in Europa

[…] Kochen von Gulasch führt laut Emissionsstudie zu einem der größten CO2-Fußabdrücke in Europa In the face of the ever-looming threat of climate change, more of us are learning to find ways to adapt our lifestyle to reduce our impact on the environment. COP26 highlighted the conversation on the relationship between our eating habits and our carbon footprints, but are there meals with a carbon footprint so harmful that we should be avoiding them altogether?Considering a continental lens of […] weiterlesen

10.) The world’s most Instagrammable fragrance bottles, revealed

[…] world’s most Instagrammable fragrance bottles, revealed With Christmas days away and many doing last minute present shopping, OnBuy perfume and OnBuy aftershave were intrigued to see which fragrance bottle is the most popular on Instagram.  Coming in top of the list is No. 5 by Chanel with 192,308 posts under the hashtag ‘chanelno5’. Chanel No. 5 is a fragrance for women, which has been out since 1986 and is a floral aldehyde scent. In second place is J’Adore by Dior with 156,429 posts […] weiterlesen

11.) Global City Lab Releases “2021 Global Top 500 Cities”

[…] City Lab Releases “2021 Global Top 500 Cities”New York, London, and Tokyo claim top three. The United States and China lead with 63 and 40 cities, respectively. New York, December 30, 2021What effect has the Covid-19 pandemic had on the brand value of the world’s greatest cities? To find out, Global City Lab compiled the "Global Top 500 Cities" released on Dec. 30, 2021, in New York City. The report reveals that New York is the world’s most valuable city, with a brand value of $2. 04 […] weiterlesen

12.) Alles klar beim Pfand? Irrtümer rund um Rückgabe und Verwertung von Getränkeverpackungen

[…] klar beim Pfand? Irrtümer rund um Rückgabe und Verwertung von Getränkeverpackungen Viele Getränkeverpackungen sind mit einem Pfand belegt. Bei Mehrwegflaschen dient es dazu, dass die Glas- oder PET Flaschen möglichst alle zurückgegeben werden, neu befüllt werden können und somit lange im Kreislauf bleiben. Bei Einwegflaschen und Getränkedosen besteht seit 2003 eine Pfandpflicht. Damit sollte ein Anreiz geschaffen werden, Mehrweg zu nutzen. Gleichzeit soll das Einweg Pfand dafür […] weiterlesen

13.) Where to eat the best falafel in the world study reveals

[…] to eat the best falafel in the world study reveals Falafel is famously known as one of the most popular and iconic street cuisines and is enjoyed and replicated all around the globe. The Middle Eastern recipe is packed with fibres, rich in protein and antioxidants, making it the ultimate tasty veggie dish and seeing an estimated 1. 5 million monthly google searches globally, the highest volume coming from the US, Germany and France.   This inspired the foodie experts at 10bis. co. il to […] weiterlesen

14.) Celebrities ageing backwards in time, according to maths

[…] ageing backwards in time, according to maths From the iconic ageless beauties such as Jennifer Lopez and Halle Berry, there’s a long list of celebrities out there who never fail to make our jaws drop with their age, as they wondrously remain youthful despite the passing of time. In preparation for National Backward Day on January 31, the experts atNoDepositDaddy. com  were curious to uncover which celebrities have aged in reverse - thus having the luckiest genes, when measured […] weiterlesen

15.) Philisn Innovative Products Break the Stereotype of DIY Car Detailing

[…] Innovative Products Break the Stereotype of DIY Car DetailingShine Cars with Green Safe Concept Seattle, January 30, 2022A popular phenomenon that is increasingly attracting more people is DIY car detailing at home because it is more cost-effective and also an enjoyable recreational activity for car lovers. However, some people may argue that this activity is time-consuming and could cause damage to their car through improper or complicated implementations. Fortunately, a rising brand, Philisn […] weiterlesen

16.) Winter Olympics: The Fastest Countries Revealed

[…] Olympics: The Fastest Countries RevealedHighlights From ResearchNorway is the fastest country at the Winter Olympics with a total ranked speed score of 16. 98 across their gold medal victoriesGermany (14. 79), the United States (13. 65) and the Netherlands (13. 44) are also among the fastest countriesCanada comes in 10th with a ranked speed score of 7. 34. With the Beijing Winter Olympics commencing this Friday (04/02/2022), the world will be watching the greatest athletes take to the snow […] weiterlesen

17.) The UK Crowns Princess Anne the hardest working royal, beating Prince Charles

[…] UK Crowns Princess Anne the hardest working royal, beating Prince CharlesOver the course of 2021, the royal family were busy as ever, from baby news and royal weddings to more sombre news with the tragic passing of Prince Phillip. Moving into the new year they have a packed schedule ahead, including the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which will no doubt add numerous royal engagements to the agenda. But which member was the hardest working of 2021, paving the way for 2022? By analysing each […] weiterlesen

18.) Golfers from this country can drive the furthest, data reveals

[…] from this country can drive the furthest, data reveals Regardless of whether you are aiming to win a major for the fifth time in your career, or playing your first tournament as a pro, there isn’t a golfer on the planet who doesn’t want to hit their drives further. But is there a particular country which produces golfers that can hit the longest drives?  Interested in this,PGATour. 2k. com investigated PGA Tour Driving Data statistics in nine of the most popular golfing tournaments from […] weiterlesen

19.) Revealed: Premier league footballers with the biggest increase in searches

[…] Premier league footballers with the biggest increase in searches With Cristiano Ronaldo becoming the first person to reach400 million follower s on Instagram, and Lionel Messi the third most followed with 306 million, there is no doubt that footballers attract fans of attention on the internet. Interested in this,Livefootballtickets. com sought to find out which Premier League stars and clubs saw the biggest increase in online popularity over the past year. To do this, the experts analysed […] weiterlesen

20.) Fresh Prince of Bel-Air mansion increases surrounding property by 222%, data reveals

[…] Prince of Bel-Air mansion increases surrounding property by 222%, data reveals From the Fresh Prince mansion to the suburban home of Harry Potter – the world of cinema has gifted us some truly iconic properties. With the premiere of Bel-Air, a reboot of the Will Smith classic, airing last Sunday (13th February),  Uswitch. com/mortgages  wanted to find out if living near a famous on-screen property could increase your house value. To do this, the average property value within the […] weiterlesen

21.) The Most Photographed Scuba Diving Spots in the World

[…] Most Photographed Scuba Diving Spots in the World As the days are getting longer, anticipation for the upcoming summer weather is growing, with many people having already started planning their beach getaways. With this in mind, experts at  BuildYourAquarium. com  sought to discover the most Instagrammable scuba diving spots by creating a seed list of the 14 most popular diving destinations around the world and collecting the number of hashtags each had generated. Here are the most […] weiterlesen

22.) Global data crowns our top 10 favourite pancake toppings

[…] data crowns our top 10 favourite pancake toppingsPancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, or maybe even Mardi Gras. Whatever you call it, as March 1st approaches, you might have started to think about what you’ll be having on your pancakes this year. But worldwide, what do we generally prefer?  Over the past two years, a lot of us have tried our hands at home baking (be it successfully or not). So it comes as no surprise that according to Google Trends data, interest in Pancake Day reached its […] weiterlesen

23.) Lambo or Aston? Data Reveals Most Popular 21st Century Supercar!

[…] or Aston? Data Reveals Most Popular 21st Century Supercar!Supercars are the thing dreams are made of. Violently fast, sumptuous flowing lines and raw exclusivity, these cars grab the attention like no other. With that in mind,  private plate supplier Click4Reg  sought to establish which 21st century supercar dominates popularity in the public eye. To find out, Click4Reg created a seed list of 20 of the most well-known supercars, analysed hashtag data from Instagram and ranked the findings […] weiterlesen

24.) Box Office Battle: this superhero movie franchise earned the most

[…] Office Battle: this superhero movie franchise earned the most With The Batman movie coming out March 4th, fans eagerly await this new addition to an already growing bank of successful superhero films. Seen as symbols of strength, responsibility, justice or loss, superheroes have won the admiration of millions of people around the world. But among so many superheroes across the Marvel and DC universes, which one has the power to win the highest box office earnings of all time?The experts […] weiterlesen

25.) Die besten europäischen Städte für ein erstes Date

[…] besten europäischen Städte für ein erstes DateCurious to find out,Uswitch. com/mortgages/ analysed local food and service ratings, while also scraping thousands of restaurant reviews from across Europe to identify those that included romantic terminology, and determine the best European cities for a romantic first date.   The 10 Best Cities for a First Date RankCityCountryRomantic Atmosphere % [1]Romantic Restaurants % [2]Romance Score/10 1ParisFrance35. 47%37. 37% 10 2CopenhagenDenmark20 […] weiterlesen

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