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Keyword-Suche nach »much«, Treffer 1 bis 25 von 253, Top 25

1.) Gütersloher »Kultursommer«

[…] Gütersloh (gpr). Lange blieb sie unbespielt, Güterslohs Freilichtbühne in Mohns Park. Coronabedingt sind alle dort geplanten Konzerte abgesagt worden. Doch am Wochenende Samstag, 24. Juli 2021, und Sonntag, 25. Juli 2021, wird dort der Betrieb in Form eines Kulturpicknicks wieder aufgenommen. Das Kulturpicknick läuft am Samstag von 17 bis 22 Uhr, am Sonntag von 10 bis 14. 30 Uhr und 15 bis 20 Uhr und wurde organisiert vom Fachbereich Kultur der Stadt Gütersloh. Ein buntes […] weiterlesen

2.) FDP-Politikerin Katja Suding ist frisch verliebt

[…] (ots) Kennengelernt haben sich die beiden schon vor Jahren im beruflichen Umfeld, aber gefunkt hat es erst vor einigen Wochen: FDP-Spitzenpolitikerin Katja Suding, 45, ist frisch verliebt in den Hamburger Anwalt Stefan Mucha, 59, wie »Gala« im Heft 30/2021, ab morgen im Handel, aus ihrem Umfeld erfährt. Aus einer zwölfjährigen Ehe hat sie zwei Söhne; zuletzt war sie mehrere Jahre mit Ex-Tennisprofi Udo Riglewski liiert. Nach ihrer Ankündigung, im Herbst aus der Politik auszusteigen […] weiterlesen

3.) Kulturpicknick an diesem Wochenende im Mohns Park

[…] (gpr). An diesem Wochenende wird es endlich wieder musikalisch auf der Freilichtbühne im Mohns Park. Am Samstag, 24. Juli 2021, und am Sonntag, 25. Juli 2021, findet dort das Kulturpicknick im Rahmen des Gütersloher Kultursommers statt, organisiert vom städtischen Fachbereich Kultur. Samstag von 17 bis 22 Uhr und Sonntag von 10 bis 14. 30 Uhr sowie von 15 bis 20 Uhr gibt es ein abwechslungsreiches Bühnenprogramm mit rund 20 Künstlerinnen und Künstlern. Die Besucher können es sich […] weiterlesen

4.) »House of Beats«: Deutsche Hospitality launcht neue Marke im Upscale-Lifestyle-Segment

[…] »I’m very much down to earth. Just not to this earth. «: Mit dem Zitat des deutschen Mode-Zaren Karl Lagerfeld im Hinterkopf ist bei der Deutschen Hospitality in den vergangenen Monaten eine neue Hotelmarke für alle Gäste entwickelt worden, die sich auf und vor den Laufstegen und Bühnen dieser Welt zuhause fühlen: »House of Beats«. Die ersten »House of Beats«-Hotels entstehen in Hamburg und Mailand, weitere Standorte in internationalen Metropolen sind in Planung. »Mode, Musik und […] weiterlesen

5.) Scotch & Water, präsentiert von »Devil Duck Records« im »KGB« Langenberg

[…] Viele Künstler versuchen die bekannten Pop-Schemata zu durchbrechen. Oft klingt es dann nach ambitionierter Pseudo-Avantgarde, die darauf stolz ist, sich vom sogenannten Kommerz zu distanzieren. Scotch & Water bilden hier eine der wenigen Ausnahmen. Sowohl Songstruktur als auch Instrumentierung entsprechen nicht der Apathie des Rushhour-Radioprogramms und fordern den Zuhörer, ohne ihn zu überfordern. Die lyrische Raffinesse des Hamburger Quartetts manifestiert die Ambitionen dieser […] weiterlesen

6.) Ehrenamt in Gütersloh

[…] Wer sich in Gütersloh ehrenamtlich engagiert, der macht es einfach und redet nicht viel darüber. Das führt dazu, dass Vieles, was durch den Einsatz hilfsbereiter, aktiver Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger passiert, nur wenig bekannt ist. Gerade deshalb liegt den Vertretern der Stadt Gütersloh besonders viel an der Anerkennung, Wertschätzung und vor allem auch Sichtbarmachung des freiwilligen Engagements. Dass es in Gütersloh zahlreiche Menschen gibt, die bereit sind, sich finanziell, mit […] weiterlesen

7.) Frankfurt unter den europäischen Städten am meisten von Weihnachtsbeleuchtung besessen

[…] unter den europäischen Städten am meisten von Weihnachtsbeleuchtung besessen In first place as the city that uses the most energy through their Christmas lights during Christmas is Milan. With a whopping 69. 25 percent increase in the brightness of the city at night-time, it is clear that December festivities are running high in Italy’s fashion capital. Despite recording the highest increase in energy usage overall, the Italian city comes second to Athens in average brightness during the […] weiterlesen

8.) Tom Cruise was one of the many celebrities who sold a home in 2021

[…] Cruise was one of the many celebrities who sold a home in 2021 December 22, 2021With the new year almost here,TopTenRealEstateDeals. com has a look at ourTop 10 Celebrity Homes of 2021 . Celebrities such as Kelly Clarkson, Tom Cruise, Camila Cabello, John Legend, Leonardo DiCaprio and more. Photos & Video with listing agent permission available for media use at  http://bit. ly/toptenmedia  …“2021 Top Ten Celebrity Homes” The financial climate in 2021 witnessed a large surge into […] weiterlesen

9.) Campari brings Red Passion to life in new inspirational digital campaign

[…] brings Red Passion to life in new inspirational digital campaignThe new concept, inviting us to follow our passions, is brought to life by Campari in a series of films featuring pioneering artists from across the globe Campari, der ikonische italienische rote Aperitif hat eine inspirierende neue digitale Kampagne mit einer einzigartigen Partnerschaft mit bemerkenswerten Künstlern aus der ganzen Welt gestartet, die das neu entwickelte Ethos der Marke Red Passion zum Leben erweckt – den Drang […] weiterlesen

10.) Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae ist Mikrobe des Jahres 2022

[…] Saccharomyces cerevisiae ist Mikrobe des Jahres 2022 Wenn zu Jahresbeginn die Sektkorken knallen, ist die Mikrobe des Jahres 2022 beteiligt: Die Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae produziert neben Wein – der Grundlage von Sekt – und Bier auch Kuchen und Brot. Hefen sind winzige Einzeller und zählen zu den Mikroben, auch wenn sie – anders als Bakterien – einen Zellkern besitzen (Eukaryoten). Diese Verwandtschaft mit Menschen macht sie zu einem idealen Forschungsobjekt. Als kleine […] weiterlesen

11.) What’s the Difference Between a Refinance and a Cash-Out Refi?

[…] the Difference Between a Refinance and a Cash-Out Refi? New York, December 28, 2021iQuanti: Refinancing a mortgage is essentially replacing your current mortgage with a new one, often to take advantage of lower interest rates. A common reason for a cash-out mortgage refinance is to gain access to cash that can be used for improvements. The difference between a refinance and a cash-out refi is that in a cash-out refi, you take out a loan that is larger than your mortgage and have access to the […] weiterlesen

12.) How One Founder is Using Her Beauty Brands to Promote Diversity and Empower Women

[…] One Founder is Using Her Beauty Brands to Promote Diversity and Empower Women Washington, December 31, 2021022 is right around the corner and with a new year comes new goals and new trends. The beauty industry is always changing and we have seen brands trying to build with much more purpose than before. One founder has chosen to spread the message of inclusion and positivity through her female run, black-owned beauty empire. Nicole Gujral is the CEO and Founder of Saint Luxe Beauty and Basic […] weiterlesen

13.) Three Big Announcements From Bluetti at CES 2022

[…] Big Announcements From Bluetti at CES 2022 Las Vegas, January 3, 2022Bluetti highlighted its thinking-forward solar energy facility collections at CES 2022, including the world’s first sodium-ion solar generator — NA300 and much-anticipated AC & EB series of power stations. Here’s a dive into them … 1. The Next Generation of Energy Storage: Sodium-ion Battery Bluetti NA300 is gonna start the revolution of energy storage systems. Beginning with its 3,000W pure sine wave inverter and […] weiterlesen

14.) December’s Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News: Sean Combs, Joe Jonas and Gene Simmons

[…] Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News: Sean Combs, Joe Jonas and Gene SimmonsDick Cavett, Joe Jonas and Gene Simmons made real estate news in December. Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News is featured atwww. TopTenRealEstateDeals. com “Sean Combs’ Original LA Bachelor Pad” The LA mansion where Sean “Diddy” Combs’ lived when he starred in the TV movie A Raisin in the Sun, won BET awards for Diddy—Dirty Money and Hello Good Morning, grabbed multiple MTV awards, developed several clothing […] weiterlesen

15.) Bielefeld: Nacht der Chöre 2022

[…] Nacht der Chöre 2022, ein Querschnitt der Bielefeld Gesangskultur Bielefeld. Sie ist ein fester und außerordentlich stimmgewaltiger Bestandteil des Bielefelder Kulturkalenders: die Nacht der Chöre. Am Samstag, 5. Februar 2022, präsentieren vier lokale Vokalensembles in der Rudolf-Oetker-Halle ihr ganzes Können. KuMuChor, Shantallica, Vetternwirtschaft und Wozachor wollen das Publikum dabei mit unterschiedlichen Gesangskompositionen begeistern.  Das jüngste Musikensemble der Universität […] weiterlesen

16.) FIght for Veterans 2022, Two (2) Day Live Streaming NFT Social Arts Exhibition And Auction Produced by Royster Is Rescheduled For February 2022 Due To Alarming Covid 19 Concerns

[…] for Veterans 2022, Two (2) Day Live Streaming NFT Social Arts Exhibition And Auction Produced by Royster Is Rescheduled For February 2022 Due To Alarming Covid 19 ConcernsDue to skyrocketing numbers of Covid 19 infections and concerns for spectators’ safety, Blockchain Sports, Inc. , and Roy Jones Jr. Promotions, Inc. , have decided to reschedule the star studded, action packed—Fight for Veterans 2022 until the end of February. Las Vegas, January 9, 2022“With the United States averaging […] weiterlesen

17.) A rare Pokémon card recently fetched an astonishing € 333,000 at auction, proving that idle items lying around the house could be worth more than we think

[…] rare Pokémon card recently fetched an astonishing € 333,000 at auction, proving that idle items lying around the house could be worth more than we think Interested in discovering how many of us could be sitting on rare goldmines,https://www. money. co. uk/share-dealing. htm scraped eBay’s collectables page to find the most lucrative collectables in Germany and how much they could earn us. Money. co. uk can reveal that the most valuable items lying around the house could be antiques, such […] weiterlesen

18.) America’s Most Expensive Home—Twice As Big as the White House—Photo Permission

[…] Most Expensive Home—Twice As Big as the White House—Photo PermissionOne of the world’s most expensive homes, appropriately named “The One,” has just hit the market at $ 295 million. The One is featured this week atwww. TopTenRealEstateDeals. com . One of the world’s most expensive homes, appropriately named “The One,” has just hit the market at $ 295 million. Once projected to list for as much as $500 million, construction ran several years late causing financial issues for the […] weiterlesen

19.) spoke exclusively to Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, to finally unveil the three lucky numbers for each of the 12 Zodiac signs

[…] com spoke exclusively to Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, to finally unveil the three lucky numbers for each of the 12 Zodiac signs Astrology has been a source of guidance and direction for many with “daily horoscopes” searched on Google around 735,000 times on average monthly around the world. Having detected people’s attachment to their star signs, Top10Casinos. com sought to find out which are the luckiest numbers each Zodiac sign should be harnessing in their everyday life for good […] weiterlesen

20.) Astranaut And Space Perspective Will Send One Lucky Civilian to Space for Free

[…] Astranaut And Space Perspective Will Send One Lucky Civilian to Space for Free The winner will be chosen from the stage at The North American Bitcoin Conference Miami, January 17, 2022Attendees of the North American Bitcoin Conference (TNABC) will have the unique opportunity to win a free trip to space. This spectacular giveaway is hosted by Astranaut and Space Perspective and includes pre-space-flight training and a post-space-flight reintegration program designed to extract powerful insights […] weiterlesen

21.) 2022 Predictions for Urban Transportation

[…] Predictions for Urban TransportationWith the age of Covid, urban transportation is experiencing a number of new and unique trends that are here to stay Vancouver, Washington, January 17, 2022Ryd, the all-electric vehicle transportation startup, releases their 2022 predictions for urban transportation. As a leader in green and sustainable transportation, Ryd is on the leading edge of evolving the way people will move around cities. With the age of Covid, urban transportation is experiencing a […] weiterlesen

22.) Most expensive doughnut in the world

[…] expensive doughnut in the world Deutschland, 25. Januar 2022 A very special ring - the most expensive doughnut in the world Most people can only dream of a piece of jewellery worth 10,000 Euros. But those who believed that only jewellery and precious stones could hold such high gold values were very much mistaken: the donut monarch Royal Donuts recently presented a truly magnificent specimen of a donut, thus providing a glimpse into a luxurious world of exclusivity that is capable of surpassing […] weiterlesen

23.) Strong addition in the “18V Power for All System”: First cordless trim router from Bosch for DIYers

[…] addition in the “18V Power for All System”: First cordless trim router from Bosch for DIYers Jan 26, 2022Ideal for milling edges, slots, and creative motifs New segment for an even wider application range with 18VUnique in the DIY segment through a combination of power and compactnessHigh efficiency and a long lifetime thanks to a brushless motorOne battery for many applications: Save space, save money, protect the environment Bosch is enhancing the market for DIY tools with the […] weiterlesen

24.) Anzeige: “Just Die” Takes the Top 500 Spot on Amazon Crimes and Mystery Science Fiction

[…] Die” Takes the Top 500 Spot on Amazon Crimes and Mystery Science Fiction New York, January 29, 2022Publishing a book is no easy feat, and then selling it on Amazon and making it to the top 500 spot in Crimes and Mystery Science Fiction section is an even bigger task. But Alan Fleischauer has done it with his book. The book that was released in 2021 has now swept many readers off their feet.  When Mr. Fleischauer had a stroke many years ago, it turned out to be a revelation, and he started […] weiterlesen

25.) New Type of Medical Helicopter Provides Intensive Care in Transit

[…] Type of Medical Helicopter Provides Intensive Care in TransitKarolinska University Hospital will be the first in Sweden to have a new type of medical helicopter that can provide the sickest patients with advanced care, even in the air. The helicopter can bring patients from all over the country to Karolinska. A contract for the operation and delivery of an Agusta Westland 139 (AW 139) helicopter has been signed by the supplier, Babcock, and Karolinska. Karolinska will get access to a temporary […] weiterlesen

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