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Keyword-Suche nach »lived«, Treffer 1 bis 25 von 27, Top 25

1.) Tom Cruise was one of the many celebrities who sold a home in 2021

[…] Cruise was one of the many celebrities who sold a home in 2021 December 22, 2021With the new year almost here,TopTenRealEstateDeals. com has a look at ourTop 10 Celebrity Homes of 2021 . Celebrities such as Kelly Clarkson, Tom Cruise, Camila Cabello, John Legend, Leonardo DiCaprio and more. Photos & Video with listing agent permission available for media use at  http://bit. ly/toptenmedia  …“2021 Top Ten Celebrity Homes” The financial climate in 2021 witnessed a large surge into […] weiterlesen

2.) Nintendo Switch Download News 23/12/2021

[…] Switch Download News 23/12/2021Highlights this week include: Twelve Minutes (release) and Lynn, The Girl Drawn On Puzzles (release)Twelve Minutes Twelve Minutes is a real-time top-down interactive thriller with an accessible click and drag interface.  What should be a romantic evening with your wife turns into a nightmare when a police detective breaks into your home, accuses your wife of murder and beats you to death …Only for you to find yourself immediately returned to the exact moment […] weiterlesen

3.) Anzeige: Author Richard L. Gibson's New Audiobook “Healing the Circle” is a Compelling Tale of Love and Respect for a Peaceful People Living in Absolute Harmony With the Earth

[…] Richard L. Gibson's New Audiobook “Healing the Circle” is a Compelling Tale of Love and Respect for a Peaceful People Living in Absolute Harmony With the EarthRecent audiobook release “Healing the Circle” from Audiobook Network author Richard L. Gibson is a captivating novel introducing Bren, born on the plains of the North American continent, and coming of age as he meets Sara, a golden-haired young woman with a love of wolves and the natural world. Their families unite in […] weiterlesen

4.) December’s Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News: Sean Combs, Joe Jonas and Gene Simmons

[…] Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News: Sean Combs, Joe Jonas and Gene SimmonsDick Cavett, Joe Jonas and Gene Simmons made real estate news in December. Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News is featured atwww. TopTenRealEstateDeals. com “Sean Combs’ Original LA Bachelor Pad” The LA mansion where Sean “Diddy” Combs’ lived when he starred in the TV movie A Raisin in the Sun, won BET awards for Diddy—Dirty Money and Hello Good Morning, grabbed multiple MTV awards, developed several clothing […] weiterlesen

5.) Walid Raad – »We Lived So Well Together«

[…] Raad – »We Lived So Well Together« Mainz, 7. Januar 2022Walid Raad ist für seine Performances, Installationen und Fotografien bekannt. In prachtvollen Bildern und fesselnden Erzählungen berichtet er in seinen Arbeiten von Kunst und deren Geschichten, globalen Konflikten, dem libanesischen Bürgerkrieg. Seine Einzelausstellung in der Kunsthalle Mainz konzentriert sich auf einen neuen Werkblock des libanesischen Künstlers, der erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum zu sehen ist. Hier verbindet […] weiterlesen

6.) Kunsthalle Mainz: neue Ausstellung: Walid Raad, »We Lived So Well Together«

[…] Mainz: neue Ausstellung: Walid Raad, »We Lived So Well Together« Mainz, 17. Januar 2022»Wir freuen uns sehr, Walid Raads Ausstellung ›We Lived So Well Together‹ am 10. Februar 2022 um 19 Uhr in der Kunsthalle Mainz zu eröffnen. «Der libanesische Künstler ist für seine Performances, Installationen und Fotografien bekannt. In prachtvollen Bildern und fesselnden Erzählungen berichtet er in seinen Arbeiten von Kunst und deren Geschichten, globalen Konflikten, dem libanesischen […] weiterlesen

7.) Jemen: Oxfam fordert von UN Sicherheitsrat neue Anstrengungen für Friedensgespräche

[…] Oxfam fordert von UN Sicherheitsrat neue Anstrengungen für Friedensgespräche Berlin, 25. Januar 2022Oxfam fordert den UN Sicherheitsrat auf, die jüngsten Angriffe im Jemen zu verurteilen und neue Anstrengungen für Friedensgesprächen zu unternehmen, um den seit sieben Jahren andauernden Konflikt zu beenden. Der Appell folgt auf die jüngsten Luftangriffe, bei denen in der vergangenen Woche Hunderte Zivilisten getötet oder verletzt wurden und die zur Aussetzung der humanitären Hilfe in […] weiterlesen

8.) Ausstellungseröffnung Walid Raad, »We Lived So Well Together«

[…] Walid Raad, »We Lived So Well Together« Mainz, 31. Januar 2022Am Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2022, um 19 Uhr, findet die Ausstellungseröffnung von Walid Raad, »We Lived So Well Together«, in der Kunsthalle Mainz statt. Die Einzelausstellung des libanesischen Künstlers konzentriert sich auf einen neuen Werkblock, der erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum zu sehen ist, verschiedene Neuproduktionen und Walkthroughs mit dem Künstler. Eröffnungsworte, Daniel Gahr (Vorstand Stiftung Kunsthalle […] weiterlesen

9.) Fresh Prince of Bel-Air mansion increases surrounding property by 222%, data reveals

[…] Prince of Bel-Air mansion increases surrounding property by 222%, data reveals From the Fresh Prince mansion to the suburban home of Harry Potter – the world of cinema has gifted us some truly iconic properties. With the premiere of Bel-Air, a reboot of the Will Smith classic, airing last Sunday (13th February),  Uswitch. com/mortgages  wanted to find out if living near a famous on-screen property could increase your house value. To do this, the average property value within the […] weiterlesen

10.) Kino Gütersloh, The Batman, es ist nicht nur ein Zeichen, es ist eine Warnung, Trailer Video

[…] Gütersloh, The Batman, es ist nicht nur ein Zeichen, es ist eine Warnung, Trailer Video Warner Bros. Pictures präsentiert das Superhelden Epos »The Batman« von Regisseur Matt Reeves. Robert Pattinson ist in der titelgebenden Doppelrolle als Gotham Citys maskierter Rächer und seinem Alter Ego zu sehen, dem zurückgezogen lebenden Milliardär Bruce Wayne. Seit zwei Jahren schon durchstreift Bruce Wayne als Batman (Robert Pattinson) die dunklen Straßen von Gotham City und versetzt die […] weiterlesen

11.) Raising Voices exhibition in The Catalyst will help inform change

[…] Voices exhibition in The Catalyst will help inform change An exhibition of creative work which aims to tell the stories of people living in poverty and hardship in Stoke-on-Trent is taking place at Staffordshire University this month. An exhibition of creative work which aims to tell the stories of people living in poverty and hardship in Stoke-on-Trent is taking place at Staffordshire University this month. The Raising Voices exhibition and Manifesto for Change event will take place at The […] weiterlesen

12.) Linda Gray’s home has a number of oak trees that may be over 500 years old

[…] Gray’s home has a number of oak trees that may be over 500 years old“Dallas Star Linda Gray’s Oak Tree Ranch for Sale”Linda Gray , Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated actress, well known as Sue Ellen Ewing, the vodka-tipsy wife of Larry Hagman’s character, J. R. Ewing, in the long-running television soap opera Dallas, is selling her much-lovedSanta Clarita, California ranch where she has lived for almost 50 years. It is priced at $2. 995 million. Gray has had a long career in the public […] weiterlesen

13.) April’s Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News: Madonna, Bruce Willis And Betty White

[…] Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News: Madonna, Bruce Willis And Betty White Madonna, Bruce Willis & Betty White made real estate news in April. Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News is featured atTopTenRealEstateDeals. com . “April’s Top 10 Celebrity Real Estate News”“Madonna Lists The Weeknd House Fast” Just one year after Madonna bought The Weeknd’s LA mansion for $19. 3 million, she has put it on the market at $25. 995 million. Built in 2016 with 12,547 square feet spread across […] weiterlesen

14.) »BIE green! – City Hack«, Bielefeld wird zur grünen Stadt

[…] green! – City Hack«, Bielefeld wird zur grünen StadtBeim Hackathon der Open Innovation City entstehen in kurzer Zeit umsetzbare Prototypen für die Stadt Bielefeld, 10. Mai 2022Nachhaltigkeitsherausforderungen, vor denen eine Stadt wie Bielefeld steht, selbst in die Hand nehmen und an einem Wochenende lösen: Unter dieser Voraussetzung sind 8 Teams angetreten, um ihre Stadt grüner und lebenswerter zu gestalten. Herausgekommen sind vier kreative Lösungen, von denen die Stadt nachhaltig […] weiterlesen

15.) Perfekter Teint dank Oliveda

[…] Teint dank Oliveda Für einen unruhiges Hautbild, Vernarbungen, Unreinheiten oder Pigmentstörungen gibt es jetzt eine Lösung, die perfekt in die tägliche Pflegeroutine integrieren lässt …Das neue F81 AHA plus HT Gesichtsserum verbindet weltweit erstmals AHA (Hydroxysäuren) und HT (Hydroxytyrosol) – 2 Wirkmechanismen, die das Erscheinungsbild der Haut innerhalb kürzester Zeit verbessern. Das super Antioxidant Hydroxytyrosol wirkt freien Radikalen entgegen und neutralisiert diese […] weiterlesen

16.) Yanmar Introduces Carbon-Neutral Electrification Strategy At Bauma 2022

[…] Introduces Carbon-Neutral Electrification Strategy At Bauma 2022 Yanmar a world-leading provider of power solutions and industrial machinery, introduces its electrification strategy for off-road vehicles and equipment at bauma 2022, in Germany, the world’s biggest construction equipment exhibition. Yanmar (stand A4. 425) will showcase its off-road product portfolio, commitment to customer lifecycle value and future vision for industrial equipment including the following highlights … […] weiterlesen

17.) Happy Birthday Oliveda

[…] Birthday Oliveda Die holistische Clean Beauty Brand Oliveda hat Geburtstag – und feiert diesen Jubeltag mit sensationellen Rabatten und großartigen Verlosungen für alle Fans. »Nicht nur mich haben unsere Bergolivenbäume in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder neu ›from tree to beauty‹ inspiriert – auch ganz viele unserer Kunden begleiten uns von der ersten Stunde an, seit nunmehr 18 Jahren! Das feiern wir. Danke, dass es Euch gibt, und dass ihr seit so vielen Jahren die Liebe zu […] weiterlesen

18.) Louis XIII. Cognac Introduces The Drop For A New Generation

[…] XIII. Cognac Introduces The Drop For A New Generation Paris, October 13th, 2022With the launch of The Drop the vision is to become an icon for a new generation always on the move, spontaneous and playful, who enjoy making things their own. The new connoisseurs, digital natives, pioneers, life-fulfillers. Multi-taskers and multi-sharers. They praise their tribes, claim the world for themselves, and seize the moment together. As a group, they constantly reinvent luxury codes, through spontaneity […] weiterlesen

19.) To celebrate 120 years of its Art Nouveau heritage, Maison Perrier Jouët presents its collaboration with artist Garance Vallée

[…] celebrate 120 years of its Art Nouveau heritage, Maison Perrier Jouët presents its collaboration with artist Garance Vallée at Unique Design x Paris and offers an exclusive experience at the Hôtel de Crillon Paris, October 18th, 2022This year, Maison Perrier-Jouët is celebrating the anniversary of a flower that has become not only a symbol, but also an inspiration. The Japanese anemone, created 120 years ago by Emile Gallé, one of the pioneers of Art Nouveau, perfectly embodies the […] weiterlesen

20.) Parkinson Diagnosen in Deutschland auf hohen Niveau, keine Trendwende

[…] Diagnosen in Deutschland auf hohen Niveau, keine Trendwende München, November 2022Morbus Parkinson ist nach der Alzheimer Krankheit die zweithäufigste neurodegenerative Erkrankung. Allein in Deutschland sind rund 400. 000 Menschen betroffen. Es besteht wissenschaftlicher Konsens, dass die Zahl weltweit weiter zunehmen wird, unter anderem aufgrund steigender Lebenserwartung [1, 2]. Eine aktuelle Studie des Zentralinstituts für die kassenärztliche Versorgung (ZI) beschreibt nun einen […] weiterlesen

21.) The world’s only anonymous singer-songwriter, Peter Lake, emerges out of the woods with his EP “Green” dedicated to the epic love affair between Blue and Yellow

[…] world’s only anonymous singer-songwriter, Peter Lake, emerges out of the woods with his EP “Green” dedicated to the epic love affair between Blue and YellowSays Peter Lake: “I will be known as the greatest songwriter of all time. Get on board early! If you’re going to climb a mountain, why not Everest?” New York, January 29th, 2023The self-proclaimed “Ghost of New York” strikes again with three hit songs that make up his first release of 2023. Peter Lake, the world’s only […] weiterlesen

22.) Which Crypto Will Bring Most Gains—Shiba Inu (SHIB), Chiliz (CHZ) Or Orbeon Protocol (ORBN)?

[…] Crypto Will Bring Most Gains—Shiba Inu (SHIB), Chiliz (CHZ) Or Orbeon Protocol (ORBN)? With the crypto market gradually rising again, investing in the right coin currently could yield massive gains in the future. Here, we will look at three coins and see which one could offer the most return on investment (ROI). Maybe already established coins like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Chiliz (CHZ) or a new project in stage 9 of its presale with a token price of $0. 0835 currently, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN)? […] weiterlesen

23.) Eleo Technologies will display its next generation of battery systems at Conexpo in Las Vegas in March 2023

[…] Technologies will display its next generation of battery systems at Conexpo in Las Vegas in March 2023 Eleo Introduces its New Generation of Battery Systems at ConexpoEleo will join Yanmar America’s Power Solutions Division at Conexpo, South Hall 2nd Level—S84014Las Vegas, Nevada, March 14th, 2023Yanmar Group company, Eleo Technologies, a battery technology manufacturer located in Helmond, the Netherlands, will display its next generation of battery systems at Conexpo in Las Vegas in March […] weiterlesen

24.) Barbara Walters Manhattan Home Hits the Market—Photo Permission

[…] Walters Manhattan Home Hits the Market—Photo Permission New York, April 25th, 2023Barbara Walters’ longtime apartment on New York’s Fifth Avenue has come on the market. Ms. Walters lived in the colorful apartment from 1989 until her death in 2022. Barbara’s home is featured this week at Top Ten Real Estate Deals. Barbara Walters’ Upper East Side Home The longtime New York City apartment of TV reporter-and-personality Barbara Walters has come on the market, priced at $19. 75 million […] weiterlesen

25.) 4 Defining Attributes to Help Overcome “Virus of Victimhood”

[…] Defining Attributes to Help Overcome “Virus of Victimhood” Clearwater, Florida, May 25th, 2023Author and licensed counselor and family therapist David Dennis sees a “pandemic of pity” (self-pity to be precise) and a “virus of victimhood” engulfing society. One of the reasons why, he suggests, is that people tend to focus on the pain of the past, rather than on the potential of the future. Drawing upon decades of counseling thousands of people—as well as his own life […] weiterlesen

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